Book your Yellow2Yellow Session with our MD Miguel Soler & COO Martin Farrugia 

Book your Yellow2Yellow How Does It Work

Anything On Your Mind?

Got anything you would like to share? Do you have any ideas or questions you would like to discuss? Just want to stay in touch?

Yellow2Yellow is a newly launched initiative set up to ensure that you keep Yellow’s MD Miguel Soler and COO Martin Farrugia in the loop with any updates, ideas or news. 


Miguel and Martin can also book a Yellow2Yellow session with you, so keep your eyes peeled for any invites.

See how it works
Calendar 3d icon

Every Second Thursday

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1 Hour Per Meeting

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Book your appointment if you’ve got anything to discuss, or you have new ideas which you think Yellow should implement.

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Yellow2Yellow can take place anywhere around Malta. Transport arrangements will be made before the session.

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You can book a session either with Miguel Soler, Martin Farrugia, or both. They can also choose to book a session with you.

How Does It Work?

Step 1

Select a date and time from the calendar

Step 2

Fill in the appointment form

Step 3

Add Miguel and/or Martin as guests by clicking “Add Guests”

Step 4

You’re done! Check your inbox for a confirmation email

Book a Yellow2Yellow

Book Your Yellow2Yellow

Check out the next available days and book your Yellow2Yellow. Please note that only two slots per day are available.

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