Click on Build > CRM > Users > New User
When you first create a user, you will be able to add the user details, as well as define the user group, send invitation to create a password and confirm the user's permission to receive email communication. Depending on your subscription plan, you might also have access to notes.
Add the user details.
In this section you can add a user to one or more groups. In case you want to add the user to a group that hasn't been created yet, simply type it down and select the Add option underneath it.
To give access to a user to password protected pages, simply toggle on in the option to send invitation to create a password. The user will receive an email with a link where they can set their own password to access the password protected pages of the website.
You can manually subscribe the user to email communication. Simply toggle on in front of the option.
Finally you can add a small note about the user, like other details or important information about your business relationship. This will only be seen by you.
To view more details about a user simply click on the small pencil icon. Alternatively, you can click directly on the user name to open the user card. This is another way to edit information on a user. Whenever you have done any changes, don't forget to select Save User on top.
Please note that even though visible, some features won't be usable depending on your subscription plan.
You can check the date/time of the last change done regarding the email communication.
You can visualise a log of user activities or you may add an activity and you can always download the entire log as a .CSV file.
You can add reminders about the user.
Once the user has selected a password, the next time you open the user card you will find a Reset Password button in this field instead. Use it to reset the user's password in case he/she has lost or forgot his/her initial password. Once a new password has been created, older passwords will no longer work to access protected pages.
What are password protected pages?
It is possible to password protect specific pages to which you want to limit access from visitors. ( These pages will be set from before by the designer.)
The first step is to make sure that your users are properly tagged with the relevant tags. When you define access to password protected pages, you do it regarding groups, which means all users within that group will have access to password protected pages. It is important that you manage your users and groups closely, keeping in mind password protection.