Search Engine Optimisation is all about making your website appealing for both users and search engines. With the right elements you can rank in the first position of the Search Engine Results Page and hence, get more clicks.

How can Google or Bing understand that your website deserves to be on top?

You need a website which stands up to the users’ expectations from both content and design perspective.

Here at Yellow

we give you both!


Have a look at some of the most important factors that help your business rank higher:



Stand out from the rest!

Each time users search for something on Google a list of results shows up. Thus, you have to get noticed among other competitors offering similar or the same products/services.

The Title has to be therefore an attractive short phrase (including your Company name or a brand you import for example), which makes users want to click on it and discover more about your webpage’s content.

Meta Description and Title meta

Meta Description

The Meta description comes along with the Title when users are scrolling through the Search Engine Results Page.

An effective Meta description increases you chances of being ranked on top in search engines and thus, get noticed more by users every time a keyword related to your business is searched. 

The Meta description lists underneath the Title and provides a summary on what a webpage is about. This piece of text has to contain good and popular searched keywords which attract the eye of users. The Meta description has to be exciting but credible to instil users into clicking and really find what they require in your website.



Content is what SEO is mainly about. Making use of good keywords for quality text and the way they’re placed in the website is what will make your website a success or a failure.

When clients visit your website they have to be kept constantly on their toes wanting to know what your business has to offer them. If they clicked on your website they expect to find what they are searching for. Whether they’re looking for some information or searching on how to do or buy something, having well-displayed content will also keep them reading. Hence, lengthen the time visiting your website.

Don’t forget about the images!

They are not only great for your clients but they can also be featured on the Google image search. Thus, giving your website an extra boost. As search engines don’t see photos same as we do, don’t forget to describe them well...

Seo blog


Blog posts are fun features to add to your website.

They have a good marketing potential and are also a way of staying in touch with your website visitors.

Updating blog articles frequently with new content that features valuable keywords will keep your customers informed on the latest novelties and will also keep Google interested in your online activity.



When your website includes an e-commerce it is important to include clear images of your products together with specifications. Formulate a short and interesting description for each of your products by using keywords that possible clients might use if they want to purchase your product.

Social Media

Social media

Spread the word!

Take advantage and include social media in your SEO strategy. Adding social media links to your website, such as Facebook, Google+, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest  and LinkedIn will give more authority to your website.

As your website’s content is shared on social media, Google realises that your content is credible and reliable. Hence, Google’s trust in your activity increases and
another way to climb up the results page is created.

Review & Testimonials


Do people’s reviews and testimonials leave an impact on SEO?

The answer is yes.

Clients trust other clients like them much more than a business. When clients’ comments and ratings are visible on your website there is a greater chance that a prospective client is influenced to buy your product.

So, make sure to make space for social interaction on your website!